Attack Ads! The Podcast

How communities deal with bad behavior should be an ongoing debate.  Private companies, though, today use “community standards” to steal both platforms and the cash they deliver.  Hence, Episode 247: Swinging the Hammer of Demonetization. 

Find the Show Notes at:

Direct download: Swinging_the_Hammer_of_Demonetization.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18pm EST

Most people today feel they have can choose from whichever experts best confirm their own deeply-seated beliefs.  Sadly, this is wrong, and to understand how wrong, I try to answer the question of Episode 246: Why The Rent Is Too Damned High.

Find the Show Notes at:

Direct download: Why_The_Rent_Is_Too_Damned_High.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:36pm EST