Tue, 30 August 2022
Let's remember Howie's 1958 holiday, the one that turned out to be “I Must Work More!” In this Episode 204, Our Howie Holidays… of Work, I explore just some of the forces that try to convince us to stop worrying, but to never, ever stop working. Find the Show Notes at: https://attackadspodcast.blogspot.com/2022/08/episode-204-our-howie-holidays-of-work.html |
Tue, 16 August 2022
We last left the six-hour workers at the Kellogg's factory when the war ended in 1946. What new challenges to their shorter work shift will confront them next? That is the question for this Episode 203: KSD Unquieting Hearts For Profit. Find the Show Notes at: https://attackadspodcast.blogspot.com/2022/08/episode-203-ksd-unquieting-hearts-for.html |
Thu, 4 August 2022
We humans are hyper-social critters. For that reason, it can be difficult for us to discover which of our ideas social pressures unknowingly impose upon us. Changing our minds can thus require a kick implied in this Episode 202: Right In The Heartballs. Find the Show Notes at: https://attackadspodcast.blogspot.com/2022/08/episode-202-right-in-heartballs.html |