Attack Ads! The Podcast

In the last episode, I bitched about not finding my show in a portal search; but what might happen next? Things could get so much worse for podcasters who refuse to bow to ad pressures, as I explore in this Episode 160: Three Necessary Tiers of Freedom.

Direct download: Three_Necessary_Tiers_of_Freedom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:59pm EDT

It sometimes takes an event well beyond my ability to "fix" before an idea worth indulging motivates me to create an episode. Imperious corporate impediments to increasing my show’s listenership prompt this Episode 159: Now You Find Me….

Direct download: Now_You_Find_Me.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:48pm EDT

In this Episode 158: From a Crawl to a Walk, I share a discovery that is more than simply monumental and epic in its own right, it's oxymoronic: a Walkable Crawlspace.

Direct download: From_a_Crawl_To_A_Walk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:40pm EDT