Attack Ads! The Podcast

Too many of us lately seem to assume that the negative forces guiding brains are… a thing. (Well, that’s my assumption.) As a general rule, maybe we all just need to heed the advice found in the title of Episode 171: Testing Our Glob of Assumptions.

Find the show notes at:

Direct download: Testing_Our_Glob_of_Assumptions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

Sometimes companies manage to get really big; but what is too big? When they regard their benefit to society as less important than their profit model, we should consider their future, even if they make the stuff of Episode 170: That Great Gray Slurry.

Find the Show Notes at:

Direct download: That_Great_Gray_Slurry.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:46pm EST