Attack Ads! The Podcast

Of course, not all we learn in commercial media can be trusted. It's always good to remember, though, how tenacious some efforts at mis- and disinformation become, swirling to form something described by the title of Episode 188: The Hyporeality Vortex.

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Direct download: 188_The_Hyporeality_Vortex.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:06pm EDT

I'm sometimes embarrassed to admit that I might produce this show even without an audience; it's therapeutic. It's good to know people do listen, and often share their provocative thoughts, which prompt this Episode 187: Sharing A Little Mulled Whine.

Find the Show Notes, Pim, at:

Direct download: Sharing_A_Little_Mulled_Whine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:41pm EDT

Jerry Mander's 1978 book still packs rhetorical punch, enough that reviewing the notes I took on it lead me to realize a cause, perhaps, of today’s extreme political sectarianism. I'll dive into that in Episode 186: An Internal Scarcity of Contentment.

Find the Show Notes at:

Direct download: 186_An_Internal_Scarcity_of_Contentment.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:56pm EDT