Attack Ads! The Podcast

We all suspect our devices are increasingly using their microphones and cameras to snoop on us.  Over the years, I’ve explored that suspicion.  I’ll go over some of that history, and finish with some news, in this Episode 237: Spare Me The EULAgee!

Find the Show Notes at:

Direct download: Spare_Me_the_EULAgee.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm EST

I introduce a new word in this episode more to point out that it does not represent a new concept, but rather a very old one.  The problem of controlling this recent outbreak due to an old story is the topic of this Episode 236: Madison's Farcical Tragedy.

Find the Show Notes at:

Direct download: Madisons_Farcical_Tragedy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:57pm EST