Attack Ads! The Podcast

For the sixth year now, I present some holiday cheer (well, more accurately, "cheer" as defined by me, a sick snickering cynical bastard). Enjoy my completely off-color, in-no-way safe for children or work Episode 166: Dreaming of an Off-White Xmas.

Show notes can be found at:

Direct download: Im_Dreaming_of_an_Off-White_Xmas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:57pm EDT

No matter what the crisis, it is critical that people are given options. When options conflict with well-vested opinions—or worse, business models—don't expect them to be explained well. I protest one such money silencing in this Episode 165: Dear Nova.


Visit the Show Notes at:

Direct download: Dear_Nova.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EDT